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Recovery Footwear To Help Treat Foot Pain

Recovery Footwear To Help Treat Foot Pain 1

If you suffer from heel pain it could be that you have Plantar Fasciitis, the medical term for a common foot condition that causes sharp pain in the heel and bottom of the foot. Sufferers report that pain is usually most severe in the morning and can occur in one or both feet.

The plantar fascia is a band of tissue that connects the heel to the toes. An increase in exercise, particularly running and standing for a long time on hard surfaces are known to be risk factors.

OOFOS customers have reported relief from the pain associated with Plantar Fasciitis and the bone spurs that can accompany this condition. This is due to the increased impact absorption OOFOS shoes provide and the patented biomechanically engineered footbed that helps increase circulation and provides good arch support. OOFOS shoes allow your foot to move on all planes and articulate the way nature intended. The material flexes with your foot and the surface you are walking on simultaneously, relieving pressure and cushioning your feet.

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OOFOS recovery footwear is available for men and women. Browse the latest styles to find the ideal pair for you.

So what does it feel like to wear OOFOS? Let’s find out from people that tried them!

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